Saturday, 30 August 2008

Storm clouds gathering

It was a nice warm sunny day but Philippe, the angler, sat by the pond, looking serious.

“What's up?”, asked Gaston, the wise Duck.

“Well” replied Philippe, “we have a board meeting at the fishing club next week and I need to think about my approach. There are some issues with my colleagues on the board I need to focus on. The whole club is in dangerous waters.”

Gaston, casting his eye over the calm pond was somewhat bemused by this and asked, “why?”

Philippe grew more impatient. “Look, don't you read the papers? There will be a major global recession next year. We have to drastically cut costs, right size, re-engineer. All the KPI's need addressing. We will have to dramatically increase productivity at the same time and outsource non profit making areas. We have to implement the biggest change program the club has ever seen. And most important of all, we have to still increase our shareholder value or else our share price will drop and we will have to face a hostile takeover bid. This is very serious and we have to react immediately.”

“So, what is your strategy?” asked Gaston.

“Easy”, replied Philippe, “but I won't tell you now. I have made a comprehensive presentation, a detailed analysis of all our processes and products. Financial controlling are working overtime to prepare all kinds of figures and spreadsheets. I will be in the office on Sunday and I have asked a core team to brief me on all aspects we need to focus on. Nothing like a crises to generate extra pressure and ignite new processes! You know, that is why I have this role. I have the vision of the future and I can lead us out of this mess”.

“Well” replied Gaston, “you do that. And enjoy your day. Looks to be nice and sunny. What are you going to do today?”

Philippe looked at his in-box. “I have 138 emails to answer. All are high priority. The organization needs me. And you?”

Gaston stared deeply into Philippe's eyes. “I off to Portugal to meet a friend who is passionate about his business. He makes wine.”

Philippe grunted.

As they parted, Gaston reflected on priorities. “I wonder if Philippe is on the right path”, he thought.

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