Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Busy at work

Germans always say “I have no time, I have too much to do”
The English say, “I am too busy”

Both say the same thing but it can be interpreted differently. What are the differences between doing something and being busy. Could you be doing something meaningful or are you busy wasting your time doing something meaningless?

For me, busy has a more positive connotation. A busy person might be bustling. A busy person might be doing business.

But when you ask someone, “What did you do yesterday?” how often have you heard “oh, nothing really”. Which always confuses me. Can anybody please explain to me the secret of doing “nothing”?

A few days ago, I witnessed the downside of our so busy culture. One of the projects I am involved in is assisting in a communication process in a German/Swiss/Russian Joint Venture. Some time last week a managerial meeting took place between the Head of Production and two Russian counterparts. It would have been a golden opportunity to take 30 minutes, sit down with others in the project and exchange the experience, impressions, thoughts and ideas. Vital information on the peoples side of this project and one which seriously need improving.

But the Head of Production was too busy. He had to go to another city to oversee his other responsibilities there. Another lost opportunity in quality communications.

Maybe he should have been busy doing something – as a leader, sharing his knowledge so that other people can do something with it when they are busy. Being busy doing the wrong thing can lead to disasters.

Or am I wrong?

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